Anti bloating and anti spasm for the digestive system.
Each bottle contains 30 ml Gasterolan Drop.
In every 5 ml of gasterolan drop, the hydroalcoholic extract of the following substances exists : Fennel fruit 55 mg, chamomile flowers 60 mg and mint leaf 75 mg.
Based on 0.13%-0.17% anthol, 34-41 mg flavanoid in every 100 ml of the drop.
In every 5 ml of Gasterolan drop, the hyroalcoholic extract of fennel fruit exists. This fruit increases the anti spasm effect of this drug.
Adults and kids above 6 years of age must use 20-30 drops. Kids under the age of 6 must use 15-20 drops accompanied by some water, 3-5 times daily before each meal.
This product may cause allergic side effects in people who are sensitive to herbal products.
Product must be used with a physician's consultation during this period of time.
Patients with bile stones are prohibited to use this product. Also patients with ezofajit symptoms are recommended not to use products that decrease the lower pressure of the sphankner such as mint.
Store product at normal room temperature, far from light and moisture.
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