Easy and quick removal of ear wax.
Each bottle contains 12 ml Eargol.
Almond oil, peanut oil and camphor.
Camphor makes ear wax soft in order to be easily excreted from the ear. Camphor not only softens ear wax but also has an anti pain effect.
Pull ear back. Pour 4 drops of the ear drop in the ear. Stay in this position for a couple minutes. Place a cotton swab in the ear in order to absorb the soft excretions of the ear and take it out after a couple minutes. Repeat this action day and night for 4 days in order to take out the extra excretions. This product can be used at maximum 8 weeks after opening the drop. Also 4 days after usage of the product, you may refer to a physician in order to take out the extra remaining wax from the ear.
If eardrum has inflammation, infection or has been torn, discontinue use of the drop. Never use sharp objects to take out the wax of the ear.
Keep product far from reach of children, in a cool place.
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