Coughnolix Barij syrup is used for Acute Coughs and is suitable for diabetics.
Each bottle contains 120 ml Coughnolix Barij Syrup.
This syrup is based on at least 1.5 mg (thymol + carvacrol) & 2.5 mg hederacoside C in each 5 ml of product.
Three times daily, each time one tea spoon (5 ml).
During pregnancy and breast feeding this product is prohibited. For children under 4 years of age this product is prohibited.
Allergic reactions (Dermatitis due to touch) in sensitive people, irritation of mucus membrane, kidney problems due to long term usage and excessive usage prescribed.
Keep product far from reach and sight of children.
Shake product well before use.
Keep product in dry area and at 15-30 degrees centigrade.
In case of appearance of any allergic reactions, use of product must be discontinued and you must consult your physician.
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