Hypolipidemic and hypotensive, prevents dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, blurred vision.
Each pack contains 30 coated Garcin 500 tablets.
2-3 mg Allicin This product is used to prevents and cure nausea, Fatigue ,lack of concentration, Anemia, alnutrition, liver disease, malabsorption, rare genetic conditions, such as Hypobetalipoproteinemia and Abetalipoproteinemia and Tangier disease.
Garcin 300, three times a day, each time one to two tablets.
Garcin 500, twice a day, each time one tablet.
Due to the pharmacological effects of garlic, the treatment amounts may intensify the hypoglossimy effect.
This drug must not be used simultaneously with other blood clotting medicine.
Garlic usually has no poisonous effect and no specific side effect has been reported so far.
This product must be used with a physicians consultation during pregnancy and breast feeding.
Product must be kept at below 30 degrees centigrade and far from children's reach.
Pomegranate Extract (Ellagic acid) + Vit C
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