225gr - 1/2lb
Disinfectant, full of anti oxidants, enriches red blood cells to prevent anemia, anti inflammatory and analgesic for pains such as migraine, blood producing and stabilizer in menstruation cycles, prevents cramps and respiratory diseases such as asthma. Used for weight loss. Also known as Zireh.
Each pack contains 125g (1/4 lb) Organic Black Cumin.
3-7% essences of Carvone, Limonen, 10-20% stable oil, 20% fructose and flavonoids.
Take less than 1 gr daily in order to receive the benefits of cumin.
A small amount can be used during pregnancy. Adds milk to breasts of breast feeding mothers, therefore it is beneficial for lactation.
None reported. Like all herbs, product must not be used to an excessive amount.
Not to be reported.
Must be kept at 15-30 degrees centigrade room temperature, far from reach of children.
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