Herbal cardio tonic used for nervous tachycardia and hypertension. Reduces blood pressure.
Each bottle contains 30 ml Crataegus Oral Drop.
Active flavonoid compounds. Every 100 ml of the drop is based on 5 gr standardized extract of Cratoegus oxyacantha.
Taken three times a day, each time 60-70 drops of the tonic. Must be taken for 3-4 days.
No specific side effects are reported for this product taken with normal dosage. At high dosages, may cause nausea, skin rashes, hypertension, dizziness and drowsiness. This product must not be used for a long period of time.
No restrictions exist for the use of this product during pregnancy after the fist three months. Product can also be used during breastfeeding.
This product interacts with cardio medicine, therefore any tachycardia medicine could also interact with this product. Blood clotting medicine also interacts with crataegus.
Product is prohibited for pregnant mothers during their first three months of pregnancy. This product is also forbidden for children under 12 years of age. Patients with digestive problems and skin allergies must not use this product.
Product must be kept far from light, at 25-30 degrees centigrade and far from freezing conditions.
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