Memory Loss
Improves and strengthens memory, learning, sexual desire and potency in men and women.
Each pack contains 30 Phytoton tablets.
Each capsule contains 100 mg dry extract of Ginseng and 60 mg dry extract of Ginko biluba.
In case any other orders have not been given, use one capsule after breakfast and lunch with some water. Treatment must continue for at least 4 weeks.
If taken according to the prescribed order of the physician, no special side effects will appear.
This medical herb lowers the blood sugar therefore for diabetic patients this product should be used with care and supervision. This product can be used for three months and after 2 weeks of termination of the use you may restart the product.
This product is not recommended during this period of time.
1- There are some drug interactions with this product, therefore do not use interacting products simultaneously.
2- Patients who use Niphdopin must not use this product.
3- Heart disease patients who use aspirin and other heart medication are forbidden to use this product.
4- Product must not be used simultaneously with NSAID medication.
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