Breast Enlargement, Anti Aging
Strengthens physical and spiritual powers. Used for focus and concentration and reducing recovery period.
Each pack contains 30 Gin Sin capsules.
Each capsule contains 250 mg granule of the resume of gin sin powder.
Use this product twice daily, each time 2 capsules after each meal.
This product is prohibited for patients who have high blood pressure, severe infections, asthma and heavy menstrual cycles. Simultaneous use of this product with anti blood clotting medicine such as aspirin and heparin must be done cautiously.
No side effects exist if product is used properly with the right dosage. If taken in excessive amounts, high blood pressure, panic, anxiety, insomnia, diarrhea and constipation can be among common side effects.
Product must not be used during lactation and the first three months of pregnancy.
Excessive use of gin sin with provoking compounds such as high caffeine intake is restricted.
Store product at normal room temperature.
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