Effective in treatment of fatty liver disease and protection of Gallbladder.
Each pack contains 30 capsules in 275 mg of Proliv Barij.
Based on at least 60 mg total silymarin and 5 mg curcumin in each capsule. Also contains Silybum marianum, Cynara longa and Taraxacum Officinalis.
1-3 times daily, each time one capsule must be taken or must be taken with a physicians prescription.
Past allergies to the compositions of the product.
In recent studies no side effects have been reported.
There is no adequate documents based on the usage of the product during pregnancy and lactation.
Product must be kept far from reach of children.
Close lid of the product firmly immediately after usage.
Keep product away from light and at 15-30 degrees centigrade room temperature.
Do not use expired products.
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