Weight loss and stabilizer. Appetite looser.
Each pack contains 15 ml Cumin Oral Drop.
Based on the existence of 7-15.5 ml gr cumin aldeiyd in every ml of the product.
Three times a day, each time 15 drops accompanied by some liquid before meal.
During pregnancy.
With appropriate use and dosage applied, no side effect has been observed.
No such has been reported.
Just like other medicine, keep product far from reach of children.
It is beneficial to use some viniger, honey and one gram of kitty with cumin drop.
In order to loose weight, it is recommended to use Limotorshe drop with Cumin drop simultaneously.
In order to create a muscular fit body in a short period of time and for better operation of muscles in the long run, we can intersect this product with a high protein diet simultaneously.
This product is anti bloating and analgesic for digestive system pains.
Patients with a sensitive stomach better use this product after meals.
Close lid immediately after usage and keep at 15-30 degrees centigrade room temperature far from reach of children.
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