Protects Liver, Indigestion
Anti pain, anti inflammation of joints, improves and eases muscle functioning. Prevents pain, dryness and stiffness of joints due to rheumatoid inflammation.
Each pack contains 30 Phyto Arthritis Capsules.
Each capsule of phyto arthritis contains 157.5 mg dry extract of turmeric, 150 mg chive, 150 mg dry extract of ginger and 50 mg extract of cats' claw plant.
This product should be used three times daily, each time 1-2 capsules with some water after meal.
Turmeric must not be used in high doses for individuals with stomach ulcers and bile stone. Research has shown that ginger prevents blood clots, therefore this product must not be used simultaneously with anti blood clotting medication such as aspirin. Also this product must be used with care for diabetic people.
Excessive use of turmeric may irritate the digestive system. In Sensitive people it may cause diarrhea and heartburn.
This product is forbidden for pregnant and lactating women.
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