225gr - 1/2lb
Dried Apricot strengthens bones and preserves nerve function. It is a traditional dry fruit. When treated with sulfer dioxide (E220), the color is vivid orange. Organic fruit is darker since it is not treated with sulfur vapor and has a coarse texture.
Each pack contains 450g (1lb) Dried Organic Apricot.
A handful of the fruit contains 10% of daily iron intake, copper, cobalt, folic acid, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Women of age 50 or younger should consume 25 gr of the fiber a day and men aged 50 or younger should consume 38 gr of the fiber per day.
Since this product is high in sugar it can cause dental tooth cavities. No other side effects have been reported.
There are no restrictions for use of this product.
Since this product has many vitamins and nutrients, it is very healthy to use this fruit during pregnancy and lactation.
Store fruit at normal room temperature.
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