These prunes are the product of dried amber or black plums. Laxative, anti cancer, weight loss, decreases appetite, prevents wrinkles, reduces blood pressure, rich in anti oxidants and prevents heart and cardiovascular diseases.
Each pack contains 450 gr (1lb) Organic Black Prunes.
Fiber, potassium, carbohydrates, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
Energizing, high iron absorption, normalizes blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol and intestinal protection, improves osteoporosis and builds bone and muscles.
Causes gas and bloating, diarrhea and may cause constipation if not taken with fluids.
Prunes are very nutritional dried fruits to be taken daily. Take 1-2 prunes daily.
Since this fruit is a laxative, must not be eaten in excessive amounts during this period of time. Very good source for pregnancy. Must not be taken while breastfeeding, as it may cause gas and bloating for your newly born.
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