Also known as Tokhme Kadoo. Controls enlargement of prostate, prostate protection, anti depressant, increases bone density, anti inflammatory, prevents kidney stones, kills parasitic worms, lowers cholesterol, anti cancer and improves postmenopausal symptoms for women.
Each pack contains 450 gr (1 lb) Organic Marmarit Pumpkin Seeds.
Triptophen, zinc, magnesium, anti oxidants and omega 3.
Helps improve mood and sleep, collagen building for skin, bone health and prevents heart attack.
Can be roasted or even toasted in a bowl with sugar, cinnamon, margarine and salt accompanied by the seeds and stirred to coat the seeds. Also used for male baldness and benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.
Rarely do side effects appear for this product.
Stick with usual food amounts during this time.
Lithium interacts with pumpkin.
For baldness use 400 mg pumpkin seed per day and for benign Prostatic Hyperplasia use 5 gr pumpkin seed twice daily.
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