Help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, boosting immunity system.
Effective in disorders associated with cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer's.
Effective in the prevention and treatment of breast cysts.
*IRI-FDA : Islamic Republic of Iran Food and Drug Association.
During pregnancy and lactation, consult a doctor before use.
This product is a dietary supplement and is not for diagnosis, prevention or treatment.
If you are taking any medication, consult your doctor before taking it
Children 4-8 years: 7 mg, maximum 300 mg per day ,Children 13-9 years: 11 mg, maximum 600 mg per day.
Children 18-14 years: 15 mg, maximum 800 mg per day.
Adults: 15 mg, maximum 1000 mg per day.
Pregnant women 18 years and under: 15 mg, maximum 800 mg per day.
Pregnant women 50-19 years: 15 mg, maximum 1000 mg per day.
During lactation 18 years and younger: 19 mg, maximum 800 mg per day.
During breastfeeding 19-50 years: 19 mg, maximum 1000 mg per day.
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