Symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic dry diseases such as Eczema.Replenish moisture and softness of the skin.
Rub evenly on the affected area 2 to 3 times a day. Linoderm cream can be used at the recommended dose in adults for the symptomatic treatment of dry skin diseases at all ages, including children, adults.
Data sheet
Facial Mask - Normal Skin
Eucalyptus Inhaler
Sesame Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Organic Marshmallow Soap
Facial Mask - Oily Skin
Facial Mask - Dry Skin
Organic Maragheh Soap
Rose Oral Drop Barij
Sunscreen Cream SPF50+
Rosemary Oil Topical Lotion
Anti Migraine
Sekanjabin Onsoli
Neurogol Fort
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