Strong anti oxidant that protects the liver, indigestion, biliary disorders, inflammation and joint pains.
Each pack contains 50 Curcuma Turmeric tablets.
Each tablet contains 450 ml gr turmeric rhizome powder of Longa root, 50 ml gr of turmeric root extract, which is based upon 47.5 mg of standardized turmeric.
One tablet daily with meal.
Prohibit using anti clotting medicine, anti platelet medicine such as Aspirin, Cloedogrel, Heparin, Varfarin and clot solvents simultaneously, due to the dangerous effects of bleeding.
No specific side effect has been observed in consuming with the recovery dosage.
Patients with biliary stones and blockage in biliary tracks are not recommended to use this product.
Since there is a chance of bleeding during pregnancy, it is restricted to use this product.
There is no adequate information in using this product during breast feeding.
This product must not be used 2 weeks before any sort of surgery.
Must be kept away from reach of children.
Kept at below 30 degrees centigrade, away from light and humidity.
PDR for Herbal Medicines, fourth edition, (2008), 864-67.
Martindale, The complete Drug Reference, 38th Edition, (2014), Vol2, 2218.
Iranian Herbal pharmacopoeia, (1381), 365-371.
ESCOP Monographs, the Scientific foundation for Herbal Medicinal products, second Edition,(2003), 107-117;
Turmeric the genus Curcuma Edited by P.N. Ravindran etal.443
A.Pamirez Bosca et al.Effects of the antioxidant turmeric on lipoprotein, Age(Omaha). Jul 1997; 20(3); 165-68.
Polasa K et al. Effect of turmeric on urinary mutagenesis. 1992 Mar; 107-109.
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