Reduces blood sugar, aid to patients with diabetes kinds one and two. Reduces absorption of blood sugar from intestine and increases sensitivity for receptors sensitive to insolin. For diabetics cure.
Each pack contains 30 Galega tablets.
Product can be used maximum three times daily, each time 1-2 tablets after every meal.
Galega officinalis leaves, flavanoids, saponins and galegine.
Lowers blood glucose levels and induces blood sugar, treats diabetes and is a diuretic. Stimulates adrenal gland and pancreas to protect liver. Tonic, blood purification.
May cause bleeding. For diabetic people must be monitored when used. No side effects exist.
Medication for diabetes such as hypoglycemic medications which interact with galega.
Avoid using this product at this time.
Dosage is adjusted according to the glucose concentration in blood and urine.
Store below 30 degrees centigrade, protect from light and moisture.
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